Thursday, April 26, 2012

Which graphic card is equal to ati radeon 5770hd in nvidia for gaming?

will gts450 beat 5750 and gts250 in gaming performance?and will gts450 beat 5770hd in gaming?|||well,there is no Nvidia card which performs exactly similar to HD 5770.overclocked version of geforce GTS 450 may perform neck to neck with HD 5770 in some titles.those OC editions cost even moe than the HD 5770.

HD 5750 is slightly better than GTS 250 and GTS 450 performs similar to HD 5750 and sometimes get little more fps in some games than HD 5750.look at the benchmarks.……|||Here's the performance ladder

GTS 450 == Radeon 5750

NONE == Radeon 5770 <= there is currently no Nvidia card that can match a 5770 in price and performance.

GTX 460 == Radeon 5850

To the answer below me:

Those benchmarks are SYNTHETIC benchmarks, and are not representative of performance in the real world. If you pit the GTS 450 against a 5750 in gaming (for e.g Modern Warfare 2) they come out with extremely similar scores.

If you look closely in the chart you linked to, the 5870 has higher scores than the 5970 (a dual GPU card)

In gaming, the 5970 performs way better than the 5870.

Take those results with a grain of salt. They are not accurate!

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