Friday, April 27, 2012

Which gpu is better GTS450 or Ati Radeon HD 5750?

Palit Geforce GTS 450 1024MB GDDR5…


Saphire Radeon HD5750 1024MB GDDR5…

It's a pick between those 2. Please no other suggestions, I have to buy at Microcenter and with the budget of no more then $130. Must be bought at Columbus microcenter due to time constraints. If you see anything better let me know, otherwise please choose from these 2. Thanks for your help.|||If your power supply offers 2x 6-pin connectors, the slightly older Radeon HD 4870 is slightly more powerful than either of those cards at the same $130 price point.…

Otherwise, I'd have a slight preference for the GTS 450. nVidia has more sweetheart deals with game manufacturers, so some games play better on nVidia cards than ATI.|||The GTS 450 would be better than the HD5750 in terms or performance.

Here is a link if you want it anyway, its not from microcenter but it is the Radeon hd 5770 which is better than the gts 450 and the 5750, also it is $5 cheaper than the 5750 you suggested.

Hope this helps!!!|||I would go with the GTS, due to it having better performance than the 5750

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