Friday, April 27, 2012

Should I get the HD5770 or the GTS450 for gaming?

I want to play games like assassins creed, crysis, etc.

I know these 2 cards can play those games easy, but which one should I get?

I know the HD5770 is a little bit better but is it reliable? Is it the one best for gaming?

I want it to last long, I have heard that the HD5770 used to have a driver crash last year but I also heard it was fixed with an update. Would the HD5770 really make a significant improvement?

The cards are about the same price.

So I'm not sure, which one should I get for high graphic gaming?|||If you prefer Radeon then go for it. I would go for an Nvidia GTX 460 and above... The current games reach the 200's series of the nvidia cards, so the GTX 400's series will serve you for the next 3-4 years...

GeForce GTX 580 <=== newest (about $500)

GeForce GTX 570

GeForce GTX 560 Ti

GeForce GTX 460 <=== this (about $180)

GeForce GTS 450

GeForce GT 430

GeForce GTS 250

GeForce GT 240

GeForce GT 220

GeForce 9800 GT

GeForce 9500 GT

niki is right, I have got mine GeForce GT8600 for about 4 (or 5) years, and it still handle the latest games (ie BlackOps)... I will upgrade my PC this month, and get the GTX460, I also use an Intel Motherboard.|||Both video cards are quite good.Note that ATI Radeon cards run better when the CPU is AMD, the other thing goes for GeForce but they run smoother on intel.

Am talking from personal exepirince that GeForce cards are reliable because i'm with mine for 3 years at hasn't crushed even once. Even the newest games witch are going out are running without a problem, of course not at max graphics but that is something expected.

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