Friday, April 27, 2012

Gts250 or gts450 or 5750hd.?

i dont want to spend more in this but i am confused whether to buy any of these cards.5770 is very costly and it costs more than 9000rupees and i want to buy a graphic card below 7000rupees.Please show me a way.Which of these cards is best for gaming and lasts for many years?|||i will suggest adding some hundreds , some models of 5770 costs between 7500 Rs to 8000 Rs , atleast in Mumbai ,

and i will go with 5750 HD if above or the choices|||Definitely not the GTS 250.

The GTS 450 is pretty much neck in neck with the 5750, but because Nvidia tend to have better drivers (I'm an ATI user here), I would suggest the GTS 450.

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