Friday, April 27, 2012

NVidia GTS450 vs Ati Radeon HD5750?

Which one is better for HD gaming? I had a nVidia9600GT before and I was satisfied with it. Help me decide, please.|||they are both close in performance. BUT I like physx so ill go with nvidia all the way. Also Nvidia can be over clocked alot better than ATI.. just my opinion..

The reason why i also LOVE nvidia is because of their great support for linux.


Yes Nvidia has better drivers for linux than even windows. They have great linux drivers. I would not use linux without Nvidia. on my old 9500 GT i get 7000+ FPS on Ubuntu/linuxmint when i run glxgears in the terminal. Make sure after you install it you go to the menu > under administration> hardware > and install teh recommended nvidia drivers. ATI sucks under linux. trust me!!

and no ATI does not offer that :P. the card GTS 450 is teh one i am getting for xmas ( gifting myself to upgrade from my 9500GT. I am giving my 9500 GT to my gf ( i am building her a new pc to replace her 4 years old laptop).|||Overall, the GTS 450 is slightly better, although the 5750 has the edge in Crysis. The GTS 450 even matches the HD 5770's performance in a few titles, plus it's got hardware PhysX support.……|||i'd say go with nvidia but if got money go for GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 470 its a really nice and better card over the gts 450 and matches the amd hd 6870 very close.…|||the gts450 is better at gaming.

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