Friday, April 27, 2012

Can a amd athlon 64 x2 5200+@2.71GHz bottleneck a gts450@810MHz while playing gta 4 in 1980*1080 res?

what happens if i overclock it to say 3GHz|||Most definitely. And it would still bottleneck, and it would likely not accept that overclock anyway.|||Both are extremely weak for GTA4, even if overclocked. Playing GTA4 @ 1920x1080 requires a high performance video card, and a quad. I should know, because I'm on a Phenom II X4 clocked @ 3.7Ghz, with a GTX 470. And I play at 1920x1080. Even I have to turn a few settings down for playable performance in GTA4. It's one of the most demanding PC games.

EDIT: cpt_rose, you seriously should NOT advise people on overclocking, since you obviously know next to nothing about it. You sound like some Dell rep reading from some outdated FAQ from 1993. Overclocking isn't for nubs like you, it's for people who know how to navigate through their BIOS and safely adjust what needs to be adjusted. Both Intel and AMD obviously encourage overclocking since all their boards are feature-rich with overclocking options. If you are within the safe voltage threshold for any CPU, along with low temps, then performance and lifespan WILL NOT "degrade" over time. That is a myth. Stop being an illiterate nub and educate yourself on it. Seriously.|||Anytime you over clock your hardware you run a real risk of causing serious damage to them and shortening their life span. I don't recommend over clocking anything unless you just have money to replace the hardware when you blow it.

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