Friday, April 27, 2012

Asus 4870 512MB Black Knight vs nVIDIA GTS450?

Hello! I am currently looking to upgrade me GPU, and I work at best buy and get a HUGE discount on Graphics cards, and the GTS450 is the best one we have in store right now and was wandering if it was worth it to buy this? upgrading from a Asus 4870 DK edition.. and also, is the GTS450 better then the ATI5770? Thank you!|||The GTS 450 is roughly between the 5750 and 5770 performance wise.

The 5770 performs about the same as a 4870.

You won't see a noticeable performance increase in upgrading, (you actually might see a small, but negligible, decrease in some games).

However, your heat production and power usage will go WAYYY down.

The GTS 450 is extremely efficient, with some models even surpassing the HD 5700s in terms of low power usage and temps.

The GTS 450 also supports DX11, which is important to some and not to others. However, the 4870 supports DX10, and current DX11 games can also be played in DX10 (and sometimes DX9). Expect to take a performance hit if you decide to use DX11 instead of DX10.

The Fermi GPUs also scale extremely well in SLI (80% or higher scaling, depending on resolution). If you're considering a multi-GPU setup, then the Fermi GPUs are the way to go.

So really, it comes down to efficiency and SLI. Does power consumption matter to you, and do you ever plan on using a multi-GPU setup? Otherwise, you won't see any improvement in moving to a GTS 450.|||I would suggest to buy EVGA GeForce GTS450 FPB 1 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express 2.0 Graphics Card

*GeForce GTS 450 with 822 MHz core clock

*PCI Express 2.0

*1024 MB 128-bit 0.5ns GDDR5 memory

*3608 MHz memory clock and 1645 MHz shader clock

*NVIDIA 2-way SLI ready…

Also check out at Ebay…|||I would go with the nVidia card, unless budget is your primary concern.

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