Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whats better for gaming the Asus GTX 550 TI or the sparkle nvidia geforce GTS450 ?

Just wondering on what to get for my gaming build ? the GTS is £10 more so price isn't a problem|||The GTS and GT nvidia graphic cards are really entry level gaming cards, the gtx is better for gaming and that gtx 550 ti can handle most games for medium to high settings with the right specs. the most popular is the gtx 560 ti , go for the asus|||I have the EVGA 550ti right now and it is a great card. I can imagine that the Asus version is not much different. Also, the 550 ti has a performance boost that the 450 does not include.

It is your choice in the end, but personally I wouldn't want a card made by sparkle.|||The GTX 550 Ti beats the GTS 450, regardless of brand.……

The GTX 460 and Radeon HD 6850 beat the GTX 550 Ti, so check prices on those cards, too.…|||Get the Asus, and stay away from anything made by Sparkle.|||The GTS is more, wow that's weird, the GTX's is a higher spec graphics card.

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