Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can i run gta 4 in max settings smoothly in gts450?

in the resource usage even if we are having 1gb of memory,it exceeds and going to 1400mb like that when we are playing it in high settings.Does this cause any problem?.Will it run smoothly?????|||it will depend upon ur processor more

GTA 4 is more processor hungry game than graphic card hungry

anyway ,with good quad core u will not have any problem playing GTA 4 with high settings

and this 1 GB memory , i hope u r not considering playing GTA 4 on 1 GB of ram , u should have atleast 1.5 GB of ram for GTA 4

if it is graphic card memory u r talking abt , then don't care abt it , nothing like wat u asked happends|||That card is a little bit too weak to handle GTA4 at max settings.

Try playing on lower settings that's suited for your system.|||no

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