Thursday, April 26, 2012

I recently changed my graphics card and windows transparency doesn't work for me. can anybody help me?

i just recently changed my graphics card from 8400gs to asus GTS450. From the day i changed it my the windows transparency stopped working. The windows always appear blue no matter whatever themes i apply..

Am using windows 7 ultimate 64-bit

my windows desktop manager is turned on.

i vevn tried re installing the driver software of my card. it doesn work either|||It sounds very much like the driver for your new graphics card isn't the latest driver or isn't the correct driver.

Download the latest driver for your card. Uninstall the current driver, reboot and install the new driver for the graphics card.|||hey the problem is coming again. i even changed the driver and transparency doesn work once i reboot it, this thing is driving me nuts

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|||It seems like a driver issue, the windows areo effects only work when the driver is working right and won't work when windows is using a generic driver. Try updating the driver through windows update rather than the driver that came from the manufacturer.|||Click on Start icon, then right click on "Computer" and select "Properties". Then there should be link that should say something like "Your Windows experience needs to be refreshed". Click on it and select "Refresh Now"|||Try this: Right click on your desktop & go to personalize > In the search field type Aero & Enter > Click on " Find & Fix troubleshooting......" > Follow the on-screen instructions to solve your problem.

Hope that helps.

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