I want a good gaming card, I was thinking of the GTS450 or the HD5770 and since the HD5770 is a little bit better I was heading towards that direction. Except I heard it has a driver crash problem and it wasn't very stable? Is it true?
Should I get it or should I get the GTS450 which might not crash?|||The HD 5770 is better than the GTS 450. The driver problems were during the early days (last year and the year before). I remember that my screen went grey once on the 4th day I had this card. But this problem was fixed with new driver updates.
Only downside would be using it on 1920x1080 resolution. It kinda struggles a little. I get screen tearing. A lot of people did complain about this.
Other downside is that it can only achieve up to 60fps. It can't go any higher than that. But I think this is an issue with my computer. I'm not too sure about this one.
If you still think reliability is an issue with the HD 5770 then, wait for the GTS 550 which might be faster than the HD 5770.|||I have three of these graphics card. I have two of them set up in crossfire for a gaming computer and one in an HTPC to play mostly movies.
I have never had a problem with them, even with the older drivers. They have refined the driver 10 or 11 times and I believe you are very safe getting the card.
Enjoy it.|||Own an XFX 5770. Do not game. Couple little issues with it. With the VGA the CPU Clock is about 160MHz. My room sometimes gets real cold. If the GPU temp goes down to about 34C I get a driver display error. Find it kinda of amusing that running too cool would cause this. With a DVI or HDMI the GPU Clock speed is about 400MHz. So even when the room is really cold the GPU temp will not go lower then 37C and not give me any problems. I have run the Furmark Test and have seen the GPU temp go to 96C. Not a problem. Test ran fine. They come out with new drivers about once a month. I always update, not right away and really do not know why I bother, but my computer started restarting. Opened up the dump file and come to find out it was my ATI driver. At the time I was using 10.12's. So uninstalled them and installed 10.10's and the problem went away. Do not get me wrong I like the 5770. Have been told it will run Crysis on higher settings. Hear it is a really GPU intensive game. For all I know the driver problem could have been the result of a bad download and/or install. All I can do is tell you my experiences with it. Hope this helps. Good Luck.|||The HD 5770 is a card folks like to over-clock because the 5770,s are good at it, anything that gets over-clocked is going to crash or hang when it reaches its limit, all of the 5 series cards are stable in my experience when run at or close to stock speeds, I ran my 5 series VGA for a year and never had a single crash that originated from the GPU or the AMD drivers, good luck..|||you shouldn't have issues, if the driver is crashing constantly, that could be a bad card, i have had it happen before (was an nvidia for the record). Just pick what you think is the right card performance wise, they are all fairly reliable.
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